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    Sunday, March 18, 2007

    The First Yahoo 360 Blog Highlight: Susan

    While in Vietnam I met many people who touched my life forever. Many of my students taught me almost as much (or more) as I taught them. For good reason, this girl's blog is my first blog to highlight. She is one of the students I grew closest to, possibly because we have such similar dreams.

    And, she's only 15. Man, I wish I was so forward thinking when I was 15.

    Her post on February 25 highlights the direction I desire Vietnamese blogging to go. It's title: "Top 10. Good or Bad." In it she points out some very salient things. The blog is in Vietnamese, and I won't attempt to translate it, but I will paraphrase some things. She says
    Viet Nam dung thu nhi the gioi ve san xuat lua gao. Dieu nay di nhien la tot, no chung to rang nuoc ta co nen nong nghiep vung chac.

    ...Viet Nam dung trong 10 nuoc tren the gioi ve viec an hoi lo nhieu nhat. Good or bad?"

    She, like many of the youth in Vietnam, goes on to express displeasure in the bribery and corruption rampant in Vietnam because they have such pride and patriotism. Her blog is well written, and in her short time blogging, has covered a variety of topics personal to her.

    My hope is that people -- especially China -- will stand up and take notice. These youth like Susan are proving that you don't have to keep your people in the dark. Vietnam has taken the lead in Southeast Asia by being open about corruption within and without the government, and trying to clean it up. It's also let people discuss it. The result is the realization that Vietnam has succeeded where China has failed. The Vietnamese youth can be incredibly patriotic and loyal to Vietnam, while expressing displeasure about something specific in the system. They are not mutually exclusive.

    Her most recent post is called "Cay Tao." It's a Vietnamese translation of the parable of the child and the apple tree. I don't remember who first wrote it. You know the one--child eats apples, young man sells apples, adult cuts down tree, elderly man sits on stump--to teach us about serving. It's interesting to see her Vietnamese take on it's meaning.
    Cay tao ay chinh la hien than cua cha me chung ta. ...

    So, check out Susan's blog.


    xanghe said...

    Sure is refreshing to read stuff like that. hơi ghen tị nha! Your time in Vietnam seems to continue on with you now because of the connections you made there. It's probably because you actually did something there instead of just travel the country and eat the food (like me). đọc bài của anh với lại Susan tự nhiên tui thấy gì khao khát trong bụng, có thể tui phải thăm Việt Nam lần nữa...có thể tui đang đói bụng...

    Anonymous said...

    I'm so ashamed when I read your compliment on my blog. ^ ^ Perhaps, many people want to talk about bribery and corruption but for some reason, they can't.( nhung van cam on thay ve loi khen ngoi , bai viet chang co gi hay ca ,chi la do em nghi sao viet vay thoi. Thay lam em mac co qua! ^ ^ )

    Triet said...


    dung mac co nhe! Thay noi that! Em hay tiep tuc viet bai va phat trien minh de khi chung ta gap nhau trong tuong lai, Thay se thay mot nguoi hoc sinh thanh mot vi lanh dao cua VN.