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    Saturday, June 30, 2012

    In-N-Out Burger and LAX

    There are few things in life as amazing as a hamburger from In-N-Out. Anyone who has lived in California understands what I'm talking about. I think they secretly put drugs in the burgers because how else could they be so addictive? Seriously, part of the draw is the fresh - almost HEALTHY - taste of their burgers, and another part is the secret menu. It's so secret that even the menu posted online doesn't have everything that they actually offer. Each time I go, i invariably learn something new on the menu.

    Well, when I booked my ticket to Vietnam, i realized that I would have about five hours at LAX before boarding my flight for Korea. This had me wonder on Facebook if it was possible to grab some delicious grub while waiting. Thanks to my friend Daniel, who pointed me to a forum about this exact subject, i realized I'm not the first ( and surely not the last) to think these same thoughts.

    It looks like there's actually a pretty established way to get there. Following these tips, i walked about 25 minutes with my carry-on, to reach In-N-Out. On arrival, i found the line out the door, and the line of cars out the parking lot. Seems everybody loves In-N-Out. A little ahead of me in line was a middle aged Hispanic woman with a suitcase - i want even the only airport denizen there! LOL.

    Of course the food was delicious, and I couldn't have asked for a better finals meal in America. I hear In-N-Out has finally reached Texas. Perhaps I'll be so lucky as to one day see it in Louisiana. We can only hope...

    Tam biet,

    Global Health Vietnam: An Overview

    I have had this blog for quite some time, and have written extensively about my experiences in vie team. However, this trip marks another first: the first time i am an actual physician and responsible for treating people here. As a third-year pediatric resident, i have had many "firsts" medically over the last two years. Now i am the first resident from my program, Our Lady of the Lake Children's Hospital (OLOL), to do an international elective.

    I set this rotation up in collaboration with my boss, Dr. Roberta Vicari, with the hope of establishing a perpetuating global health experience that helps those less fortunate, develops resident medical skills and empathy, and furthers the mission of OLOL.

    So, over the next five weeks, i hope to blog various posts about my experience. Perhaps we will all learn about the Vietnamese, their culture, and their medical care together. I look forward to sharing this time with you, and maybe next time our roles will be reversed. Feel free to comment, question, or pontificate on my posts. Social collaboration is key!

    Tam biet!